Husky Pride Logos
Revised and revamped.
The "Husky Pride" and "Students Today, Huskies Forever" logos have been redesigned to offer the university community more inclusive options to show Husky pride.The introduction of the Jonathan the Husky mascot and the illustrated silhouette of our beloved Jonathan statue, have made this transition possible and are meant to provide options that are distinctive from current retail and athletic team uses.
The Pride logos are meant to be used as created with no editing or alterations. The various versions are available for download.
A prime example of Pride logo use would be as an accent mark on promotional products, apparel, or signage. Those usages must be approved by the Office of Trademark Licensing and Branding. You may also use it as part of your email signature, but University Communications does not recommend images as part of any email signature as they are rendered as attachments.
With our new pride logos, we ask that all uses of the former pride logos be discontinued.
For more information on usage, please visit wordmark and logo usages.


Jonathan the Husky Mascot
We are proud to introduce to the UConn community a caricature rendering of Jonathan the Husky Mascot. This artistic take on Jonathan will be exclusive to the University community to be used to show Husky Pride and excitement. Examples for usage could be for display in public spaces or a tshirt giveaway for orientation or senior send off. Departmental giveaways should still utilize the Husky Pride logos.
All uses must be approved by the Office of Trademark Licensing and Branding, once approved the office will provide you with the appropriate version and files for your needs.